Polycythemia Vera Dental Management -Case Report



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Myeloproliferative Syndrome with Leukemia Preceding Polycythemia Vera : A Case Report

SSOCIATED PROLIFERATION of the various hematologic elements in the marrow, although recognized for some time,2 has recently been the subject of renewed interest.3’8 A close relationship between myelofibrosis and he leukoerythroblastic conditions was demonstrated by Vaughan and HarrisonT in 1939. They suggested that an unknown stimulus acting on the primitive mesenchymal reticulum cell may be re...

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Myeloproliferative Syndrome with Leukemia Preceding Polycythemia Vera : A Case Report

SSOCIATED PROLIFERATION of the various hematologic elements in the marrow, although recognized for some time,2 has recently been the subject of renewed interest.3’8 A close relationship between myelofibrosis and he leukoerythroblastic conditions was demonstrated by Vaughan and HarrisonT in 1939. They suggested that an unknown stimulus acting on the primitive mesenchymal reticulum cell may be re...

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[A case report of myelofibrosis with polycythemia vera].

概要 真性 赤血 球増加症お よび骨髄線維症は最近 その診断 法の進歩 とともに,本 邦におい ても報告例 が増加 して来 た.し か しなが らこれ らの疾患 の本態 にか ん して は依然 として諸家 の間で意見の一致を み よ りていない.Dameshekら は骨髄顆粒球 系細胞や赤芽球系細胞 の増 殖をお こす と 同様な刺激 に 骨髄末分 化細胞 の異化がお こるもの と考え,真 性赤血球増加症,骨 髄線維 症,(慢 性)骨 髄性白血 病,Di Guglielmo症 候群 な どはたがいに密接 な関係を有 し,相 互 に移 行 し うる もの とし,そ れ らを 一括 してmyeloproliferative disordersと 呼 んでいる.わ れわれ は50才 の女性 で肝脾 腫,高 血圧を認め 末梢血 液像 にて赤血球増加症 を呈 した 症例 に対 しい ろいろ 検...

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Urticaria pigmentosa complicated by polycythemia vera. Report of a case.

U NTIL ABOUT 15 years ago an abnormal proliferation of tissue mast cells was observed only as a cutaneous manifestation. Described originally by Nettleship in 1869, this was named " imrticaria pigmentosa " about 20 years later by Sangster.1'2 The natural course of this disease is highly variable,3 since the cutaneous manifestations represent only one stage of a systemic disease which may not on...

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Myeloproliferative syndrome with leukemia preceding polycythemia vera; a case report.

SSOCIATED PROLIFERATION of the various hematologic elements in the marrow, although recognized for some time,2 has recently been the subject of renewed interest.3’8 A close relationship between myelofibrosis and he leukoerythroblastic conditions was demonstrated by Vaughan and HarrisonT in 1939. They suggested that an unknown stimulus acting on the primitive mesenchymal reticulum cell may be re...

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عنوان ژورنال: Journal of Anesthesia & Critical Care: Open Access

سال: 2016

ISSN: 2373-6437

DOI: 10.15406/jaccoa.2016.05.00177